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    Healthy Books at

    Saturday, October 14, 2006

    Can Coffee be Healthy?

    In North America 85% of the population drinks anywhere from 3 to 5 cups of coffee daily. No wonder that we are seeing growing health problems related to caffeine and acid intake. For example the alarming growth in cardiovascular disease related in part to the increased heart rate and heightened blood pressure caused by caffeine, or the raised anxiety levels caused by Caffeine, which stimulates the production of stress hormones, which causes also muscular tension, indigestion and a decreased immune response.

    The highly acidic nature of regular coffee can alter the specific pH balance in our body. A variety of health problems like arthritis and gastrointestinal issues can be caused by over acidity of our system, unbalanced pH and contributed to the consumption of regular, not to say “not healthy” coffee and the negative consequences of caffeine.

    But would it help just to switch to decaffeinated “Coffee” or do we have to quit drinking coffee altogether? A company in Malaysia, Gano Excel, has developed a method to combine organically grown Ganoderma Lucidum, also known as Reishi, with a naturally grown, low caffeine Brazilian coffee. This product has lower caffeine than decaffeinated coffee yet maintains the robust flavor and "boost" of fine coffee.

    What gives this unique product it's healthful properties is the Ganoderma Lucidum, or Reishi. This mushroom, also known as the "King of Herbs, has been used for more than 4000 years in traditional Chinese medicine. Clinical studies have shown that it is an immunoenhancer, that it can help reduce stress while maintaining energy levels. Amazingly, this coffee actually helps balance the body's pH level... in fact, Gano Excel coffee, when mixed with water, has the same pH as human blood.

    Now, with real naturally-low-in-caffeine coffee as the delivery medium, coffee drinkers are able to enjoy the benefits of this Reishi, with their morning, afternoon and evening cup of coffee and enjoy both great flavor and better health and the same energy boost they expect from regular, caffeinated coffee. Good bye jitters and sleepless nights, now you can get the “boost” the healthy way with great tasting Brazilian Arabica coffee blend and enriched with the “King of Herbs” called Ganoderma Lucidum.

    For more information about this amazing coffee visit my web site at

    Best Regards!

    Better Health for All of Us


    • At 10:58 AM, Blogger miss appropriate said…

      This is a good post offering alternatives to the high caffeine levels in coffee - I myself was a huge coffee addict, even working in the coffee industry for a while. My skin became itchy because of the quantity of espresso I was consuming on a daily basis, not to mention all of the sugar and syrups that were available to me! I eventually gave up coffee, but it's good to know that there are healthier alternatives out there! Thanks!


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